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2014 Homecoming Master List - Alphabetical.pdf
2014 Homecoming Master List - By Class.pdf
All Class Alumni Memorial Service.pdf
(Scorsese) Pokress Gents Video
For viewing on YouTube
For Viewing Video on Class Website (File will open in separate window.
File is 3.8GB and requires Apple QuickTime)
Wayne Gronlunds's Powerpoint of Class Historical Photos
2014 CLASS
Academy Grounds
(Thanks to Stu White)
1969 2014 Reunion Attendees
Group Photos |
Class Luncheon Group #1 |
Glynn Cookout #1 |
Cookout #5 |
College 71 #1 |
Class Luncheon Group #2 |
Cookout #2 |
Cookout #6 |
College 71 #2 |
Class Luncheon Group #3 |
Cookout #3 |
Glynn Beach House - Down Beach |
College 71 #3 |
Class Luncheon Group #4
Photo_Stephanie_Lord |
Cookout #4 |
Glynn Beach House Up Beach |
Aviators + Wayne |
Class Luncheon Group Wives
Tailgate _Stephanie Lord |
Dancing #1 |
Dancing #2 |
Bleachers |
March On |
Dancing #3 |
Dancing #4 |
Glynn Beach
House |
Gents #1 |
Gents #2 |
Gents #3 |
Gents #4 |
the Luncheon |
Walkon for game |
Small Group Photos Taken at Class
Luncheon and Dinner |
Acker, Bob/Lois
Bob & Lois |
Bob & Lois
with Ziegler's |
Anderson, Andy/Ann
Anderson A, Gravino, Thorne, Greto, Curtis, Burke, Snyder & wives #1 |
Anderson A, Gravino, Thorne, Greto, Curtis, Burke, Snyder & wives #2 |
AndersonA & Grosse
AndersonA & Thorne |
Anderson, Dave/Janet
AndersonD & Moore #1 |
AndersonD & Moore #2 |
Bissel, Bill/Elizabeth
Bill & Elizabeth |
Bodenhofer, Paul/Candy
Paul & Candy |
Bowen, Bill/Monica
with Tom & Karen Rutenberg |
Burke, Dick/Bekki
Anderson A, Gravino, Thorne, Greto, Curtis, Burke, Snyder & wives #1
Jim & Bekki
with Harry & Stephanie Lord
Jim &
Bekki with Jane Snyder |
Anderson A, Gravino, Thorne, Greto, Curtis, Burke, Snyder & wives #2
Jim & Bekki
with Rube and Maureen Olsen |
Dick & Bekki with Gronlund, Olsen
Dick with Rich & Sue Wheatley, Judy Kreiler, Jack McGowan |
Burk, Jim/Cindy
Jim & Cindy
Burk with Ron & Maryann Greto #1
Jim & Cindy
Burk with Ron & Maryann Greto#2 |
Jim & Cindy |
with Cindy Burk |
Carney, Dan
Dan &
Paul Garrity |
Pokress, Carney, Garrity |
Cenna, Tim/Jenny
Cenna, Kane, Shaw, Vlaun |
Tim & Jenny
Cenna with Rich & Beth Vlaun |
Curtis, John/Anne
Anderson A, Gravino, Thorne, Greto, Curtis, Burke, Snyder & wives #1 |
Anderson A, Gravino, Thorne, Greto, Curtis, Burke, Snyder & wives #2 |
Debok, Don/Judy
Don & Judy |
Don &
Judy Debok with Dale & Evelyn Gebhardt |
Flanigan, George/Cathy
George & Cathy |
George & Cathy Flanigan, Chris Kreiler, Marilyn Smith |
Garrity, Paul/Pat
Paul &
Dan Carney
Paul & Pat
Gronlund, Gravino, Garrity, Stu White #1 |
Pokress, Carney, Garrity
Gronlund, Gravino, Garrity, Stu White #2 |
Garrity, Gravino, Stu White #1
Garrity, Gravino, Stu White #2
Garrity, Gravino, Stu White #3 |
Gebhardt, Dale/Evelyn
Don &
Judy Debok with Dale & Evelyn Gebhardt |
& Grosse |
Dale & Evelyn |
Glynn, Bob/Lynn
Bob &
Lynn Glynn with Kathy Gravino |
Bob & Lynn Glynn with Kathy Gravino, Chet and Penny Sprague |
Bob & Lynn
Glynn &
Thorne |
Gravino, Bob/Kathy
Anderson A, Gravino, Thorne, Greto, Curtis, Burke, Snyder & wives #1
Bob &
Lynn Glynn with Kathy Gravino
Gravino with Bob and Barb Thorne
Gronlund, Gravino, Garrity, Stu White #1 |
Anderson A, Gravino, Thorne, Greto, Curtis, Burke, Snyder & wives #2
Bob & Lynn Glynn with Kathy Gravino, Chet and Penny Sprague
& Stu White |
Garrity, Gravino, Stu White #1
Garrity, Gravino, Stu White #2
Garrity, Gravino, Stu White #3
Gronlund, Gravino, Garrity, Stu White #2
Thorn, Gravino
Thorne |
Greto, Ron/Marianne
Anderson A, Gravino, Thorne, Greto, Curtis, Burke, Snyder & wives #1
Ron & Maryann
Ron & Marianne
with George Krietmeyer '59 |
Anderson A, Gravino, Thorne, Greto, Curtis, Burke, Snyder & wives #2
Ron with
the Thornes |
Ron &
Marianne with Jim & Cindy Burk #1
Ron & Maryann
with Jim & Cindy Burk #2 |
Griffiths, Bruce/
Gail Wolraven
Bruce Griffiths & Tom Rutenberg |
Bruce &
Gail with unknown classmate? |
Gronlund Wayne
Wayne with Olsen, Dick & Bekki Burke |
Gronlund, Gravino, Garrity, Stu White #1 |
Gronlund, Gravino, Garrity, Stu White #2 |
Grosse, Don/Dottie
& Grosse |
Don & Dottie |
Gynther, Jim/Shirley
Gynther & Vince Kinal |
Hale, Gerry/Kris
Pokress with Chris Hale |
Thorn, Gravino |
Hamblin, TR
with Cindy Burk |
Henry, Bob/Whitney
Bob & Whitney |
Huber, Charlie/Sue
Charlie Huber
& Stephani Lord |
Charlie & Sue Huber, Darryl & Nancy Waldron, Bob Pokress |
Hull, Jim / Judy |
Olsen, Thorne |
Jim & Judy
Hull with Bob Thorne |
Kane, Barry/Bettymarie
Cenna, Kane, Shaw, Vlaun |
Barry & Bettymarie |
Barry &
Bettymarie Kane with Greg & Pat Shaw |
Kinal, Vince/Wendy /daughter
Gynther & Vince Kinal |
Vince & Wendy |
Kreiler, Chris/Judy
George & Cathy Flanigan, Chris Kreiler, Marilyn Smith |
Chris & Judy |
Lenes, Pete/Susan
Pete & Susan #1 |
Pete & Susan #2 |
Pete Lenes
with Jeff & Cathy Robbins |
Lord, Harry/Stephani
Harry &
Stephanie Lord with Jim & Bekki Burke |
Charlie Huber
& Stephani Lord |
Harry & Stephani #1
Harry & Stephani #2
Tattoo |
McGowan, Jack/Hennie
Jack with Rich & Sue Wheatley, Judy Kreiler, Dick Burke |
Jack &
Hennie McGowan with Rube & Maureen Olsen |
Miner, John/Lesley
John Miner &
Jim Smith |
Lesley |
Moore, Mike/Alice
Mike & Alice |
More, Chuck/Paula
Chuck & Paula #1 |
Chuck & Paula #2 |
Olsen, Rube/Reenie
Rube with Gronlund, Dick & Bekki Burke |
Rube and
Maureen Olsen with Jim & Bekkie Burke |
Olsen, Thorne
Jack &
Hennie McGowan with Rube & Maureen Olsen |
Pavlik, Gary/Nancy
Peterson, Ben
Pokress, Bob/Susan
Pokress, Carney, Garrity
Bob with Chris
Hale |
Charlie & Sue Huber, Darryl & Nancy Waldron, Bob Pokress |
Pokress &
Gents #1
Pokress &
Gents #2 |
Robbins, Jeff/Cathy
Pete Lenes
with Jeff & Cathy Robbins |
Jeff & Cathy |
Rutenberg, Tom/Karen
Tom &
Karen with Monica Bowen |
Bruce Griffiths & Tom Rutenberg |
Tom & Karen |
Shaw, Greg/Patti
Cenna, Kane, Shaw, Vlaun |
Barry &
Bettymarie Kane with Greg & Pat Shaw |
Smith, Jim/Marilyn
George & Cathy Flanigan, Chris Kreiler, Marilyn Smith |
John Miner &
Jim Smith |
Jim 'Boom Boom' Smith |
Snyder, Jane
Anderson A, Gravino, Thorne, Greto, Curtis, Burke, Snyder & wives #1 |
Anderson A, Gravino, Thorne, Greto, Curtis, Burke, Snyder & wives #2 |
Sprague, Chet/Penny
Bob & Lynn Glynn with Kathy Gravino, Chet and Penny Sprague |
Chet & Penny |
Stoeger, Woody/Cindy |
Thorne, Bob/Barb |
Anderson A, Gravino, Thorne, Greto, Curtis, Burke, Snyder & wives #1
Olsen, Thorne
Thorn, Gravino |
Anderson A, Gravino, Thorne, Greto, Curtis, Burke, Snyder & wives #2
Jim & Judy
Hull with Bob Thorne
Thorne |
Glynn &
with Bob and Barb Thorne
Bob &
Barb Thorne, Bruce & Anne Wintersteen |
Vlaun, Rich / Beth |
Cenna, Kane, Shaw, Vlaun |
Tim & Jenny
Cenna with Rich & Beth Vlaun |
Rich & Beth |
Waldron, Darryl / Nancy |
Charlie & Sue Huber, Darryl & Nancy Waldron, Bob Pokress |
Darryl & Nancy |
Wheatley, Sue / Richard (Son) |
Sue & Rich Wheatley with Judy Kreiler, Jack McGowan, Dick Burke |
Rich &
Sue Wheatley with Judy Kreiler |
White, Stu |
Garrity, Gravino, Stu White #1
Garrity, Gravino, Stu White #2
Garrity, Gravino, Stu White #3 |
Gravino &
Stu White
Gronlund, Gravino, Garrity, Stu White #1
Gronlund, Gravino, Garrity, Stu White #2 |
Wintersteen, Bruce / Anne |
Bob &
Barb Thorne, Bruce & Anne Wintersteen |
Bruce & Ann |
Ziegler, John
Bob & Lois
Acker with Ziegler's |
John |
Wives |
AndersonA_FlaniganC_KreilerJ_RobbinsC |
Gravino_Greto |
AndersonA_GravinoK_FlaniganC_KreilerJ_RobbinsC |
GretoM_Snyder |
BodenhoferC_MinerL_Lord |
Burke_?? |
Burk_Glynn_Olsen |
Three Beauties - Gail, Karen & Jane |
Curtis_More_Snyder |