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Important Note: All of our 55 reserved rooms (Thur 3 Oct -Sat 5 Oct) at the Mystic Marriott for our 50th reunion have been booked. As a result, several of our classmates had to book elsewhere. If any of you who have a three day reservation at the Mystic Marriott have to cancel for some reason (hopefully not) , please let me know before you cancel so I can save the room for another classmate. The hotel will help me make the arrangements. Thanks. Bob Thorne Sitrep 1 Classmates, I no longer use Thorne@atlanticbb.net. My working emails are now Quigsthornecga@gmail.com (primary) and Grandmathorne@icloud.com Heads up. 50th Class reunion weekend is Thursday 3 Oct thru Sunday 6 Oct 2019 at the Mystic Marriott where the Class stayed last time. I have to determine approximately how many rooms the Class will need and reserve them soon. Normally, the number of rooms required for a 50th class reunion increases from the last reunion. Historically, some graduates have even brought their kids and grandkids to their 50th reunion! Accordingly, I would like Classmates to tell me if they tentatively plan on attending and how many rooms they may need. Please let me know by Sunday 2 July. This info does not commit you, just helps me get a better estimate on the room requirements. Thank You! Have a great summer! Regards, Bob Thorne Article on George Washington and the Coast Guard written by Bob Pokress. Article appeared in the August/September 2018 Alumni Bulletin. UPDATE 2019-01-06 Class of '69: Bob Thorne and the Reunion Committee have written two Bulletins providing information for the 50th Class Reunion scheduled for October 3-6, 2019 at the Academy in New London. Please review the information and contact Bob with any questions or comments. Note the following:
The Class e-mail list that I maintain to keep Classmates updated on class activities includes those who graduated in June 1969; members and non-members of the Alumni Association; spouses of deceased classmates; reverters who either joined or left the Class; and those who left the Class before graduation. From the viewpoint of Classmates who graduated in '69, it is important to stay connected to all who spent time in the Class during our four year adventure in New London. I have received feedback from non-graduating Classmates (and others) that "I'm not sure if we should attend the reunion or even if we would be welcomed there." If you were sworn in as a cadet with the Class on that first Friday in July 1965, or anytime after, you are a member of the Class of '69, and you are encouraged to reconnect with the Class. All are welcomed! Please reach out to those former Classmates who you may be in contact with and invite them to the 50th, and ask their permission to be included on the Class e-mail list and the Class website that Chris Kreiler maintains on-line. How great it would be to have those who "danced" with us through Swab Summer return to CGA for the 50th and once again become part of the Class of 1969! Bob Gravino Bulletin #3 – USCGA 1969 Golden Tide Rips Revision 1 Please note Wayne's note on the new submission deadline of NLT May 15, 2019. This is a hard submission date, and submittals past that date will not be included in the Reunion Golden Tide Rips. Questions, please contact Wayne. Bulletin #4 – USCGA 1969 Photos for a Video about our four years at the Academy Attached is Reunion Bulletin #4 from Bob Pokress, asking that classmates and spouses gather photos for a video about our four years at the Academy. Open the attachment to get the details. Any questions or comments, contact Bob Pokress. Please note the short turn-around time to return the lottery form to Paul Bodenhofer. The form has to be received by Paul No Later Than Tuesday, February 26, 2019. Bulletin #6 – USCGA 1969 Contributions for Reunion Upgrades Bulletin #7 – USCGA 1969 Memorial Service Information requested on missing classmates and wives 50th Reunion Schwag Bulletin - Bob Thorne has approved sending the attached Reunion bulletin regarding 50th reunion apparel items. It has all the info about the various 50th Reunion items that are available, and the web link in the letter will take you to an on-line folder that has the order form and photos of the five items we’ve had designed for our 50th. Everyone signing up for the class reunion weekend events will receive a Class of 1969 50th Reunion ball cap without having to buy anything extra. Bulletin #8 – Marriott Hotel Room Update If you cannot reserve a room at the Marriot, click here for a list of local hotels in the area that offer military discounts. 50th Reunion Information from Bob Thorne Classmates: To date we only have five classmates who have made orders through Gull Associates. They have served other classes over the years with quality products. However, there is plenty of time left to make your order. The deadline for purchase to my home is now Wednesday August 15. Please send your order to me at 31 Legendary Rd, East Lyme, CT 06333 with the order form and check. Make check payable to Gull Associates. For those attending the reunion, I will have all your purchases available to you at the Mystic Marriott Hotel by Thursday night. If you want extra ball caps, use the order form, but there will be one automatic charge for your Class March-on hat included in the registration costs for dinners, buses, Gents Band, etc. I will send that larger bill out in late July or August. To those of you who are unable to attend the reunion but desire to purchase any of the schwag items, please send your order and check to my home. Shipping charge is $15.00 for apparel, $10 for hat(s). Bulletin # 7 that Bob Pokress sent out to the Class regarding the schwag items can be found on the Class web site or as an attachment to this e-mail. To print the schwag order form use: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ihasnu8xgn8u1s4/AADAKQDHpzEe1rrg8Kx-5QUqa?dl=0The second website below has the color pictures of the various schwag items for your viewing. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ihasnu8xgn8u1s4/AADAKQDHpzEe1rrg8Kx-5QUqa?dl=Unfortunately, a minimum order for the women's scarves requires a purchase of 50 scarves. Any questions, contact Bob Pokress (978) 682 2321 or me ( 860) 691 0218. Picnic at Bob Glynn's Bob Glynn is generously opening his Westbrook beach house on Thursday, October 3, for a kick-off activity to Homecoming. Details follow. All CGA '69 classmates and wives/partners are invited to a picnic at the beach at Bob Glynn’s house on Thursday, 3 October beginning late in the morning. The grill will be on at 1300. The house is 19 miles from the Academy. Take Interstate 95 south towards NYC or New Haven. Take exit 65. Go left at the end of the exit ramp. At second light go right. In about ½ mile you will see a sign for Westbrook. After several hundred feet take a left at Chapman Beach Road. Go to end and take a right. House is the fourth on the left. It’s 85 Chapman Avenue, Westbrook, CT 06498 for those following smart phone directions. Please RSVP to Bob Glynn at boglynn@cox.net or (619) 980-2225. The RSVP is necessary to coordinate with Bob Thorne for a homecoming related event later that evening.Bulletin #9 Class of 1969 50th Reunion Schedule Class of 1969 50th Reunion Schedule Classmates and Widows: Attached is the latest Class of 1969 50th Reunion Schedule to help your planning. It will be updated as necessary and a final schedule will be sent out again the week before our Reunion. While parking at CGA is available to the 50 th Reunion Class, recommend that you seriously consider our school bus transportation. Parking can be awfully tight at CGA. We need about 10 "Bus Admirals" to volunteer to organize our Classmates and guests boarding the different busses to CGA and back to the Mystic Marriott Hotel. Please let Bob Thorne know if you wish to volunteer.For those of you not members of the CGA Alumni Association, you can register the Homecoming form (football tickets, cocktail party, Sat O’Club lunch, Athletic Hall of Fame dinner, etc. ) on line with the Alumni Ass. at www.cgaalumni.org. If you have the Alumni Ass. registration form, mail it with your check to the Alumni Association at 47 Mohegan Ave, New London, CT 06333. For Alumni members, the Homecoming registration form is in the June/July 2019 Bulletin. If needed, Alumni Ass. Tel # (860 442-2683 Ext 14 Sue Fage or Ext 16 Eileen Kelly) Questions, pls contact Bob Thorne or Paul Bodenhofer. Our contact points are on the attached schedule.Our "Class" Reunion Registration form will come out in mid-August. It will include the cost of the three Mystic Marriott Hotel Meals, Gents Band, School Busses, Bus signs, bus driver tips, Friday afternoon Social Hour in Alumni Bldg, Class Reunion March-on hats ($13), and perhaps a few other items. Regards, Bob Thorne Bulletin #10 Trooping the Line Volunteer As you know, our class will be honored at the review of the Corps of Cadets on Friday, October 4, 2019 by having one member accompany the Superintendent while trooping the line. As that individual will be representing the entire class, it has been determined that the best way to choose that person is by random selection from among those planning on attending homecoming and who might wish to be the class representative. Keeping in mind that the classmate to be selected must be physically able to march at a “military pace”, albeit for a fairly short period, any one interested in being that person should submit his name to Paul Bodenhofer, paulcandace@icloud.com, for inclusion in the random selection lottery. One name and one alternate will be drawn from among those interested to represent the class. Please submit your name no later than September 1, 2019. Bulletin #11 Class of 1969 Homecoming MEDALLION CEREMONY - Medallion Ceremony Data Entry Form (MS Excel) Medallion Example List Medallion Ceremony Data Entry Form (Open Document Format) Classmates, For those attending the 50th Reunion, attached are two forms regarding our Medallion Ceremony. . One is to capture your data entries for the Medallion Ceremony. Please E-Mail your data entry form back to me ( quigsthornecga@gmail.com) and Mike Sprague.(spraguem53@gmail.com)The second attachment is an example for properly pronouncing names as necessary. . If your last name is simple, like SMITH or THORNE, pronunciation column can be left blank. Those attending the Reunion will receive their Medallions from the Commandant, ADM Carl Schultz. The Medallion Ceremony will take place on Friday in Roland Hall, 3rd deck (basketball court) at 4:30 sharp. Our Class will receive bus transportation to Roland Hall after the cadet review. Traditionally, our classmate chosen (by lottery) to troop the line with the Supt at the review sits in the first seat, first row, along with their spouse in Roland Hall. Widows will follow in the first row; the class will then follow in alphabetical order. Spouses are seated next to you (or your 1 guest). Nametags will be placed on the seats. ALUMS receive one large Medallion to be placed over their head; one small Medallion will be in a box placed on or under the seat and will include a 50 year pin. The other empty box is to store the large Medallion. WIDOWS receive one large Medallion placed over their head. The empty box placed on or under the seat is to store the Medallion and will include a 50 year pin.. PLEASE stand and remove your hat and glasses as the Commandant approaches you so there will not be problems when the Medallion is placed over your head. Your name will be read as he places the Medallion around your neck and shakes your hand. A PHOTO will be taken at that time. Should someone not be in their seat for any last minute reasons, please DO NOT move over or let anyone sit in that seat. The name of that individual will still be read and their picture shown on a screen; the Commandant will just pause. If you are next in line, please do not stand until that name of the missing individual has been read; then stand as the Commandant approaches you. The GOOD NEWS is that the President of the Alumni Association, Capt Andrea Marcille, will give these directions again at our Friday afternoon reception in the Alumni Building. Regards, Bob Thorne Bulletin #12 Head Count for George Washington Monument Unveiling The Coast Guard Academy Alumni Association has asked Bob Thorne to give them a head count for those attending the Washington Monument unveiling on the Friday morning of the 50th Reunion at Homecoming. This information will help determine the number of chairs placed on the Washington Parade field that morning. If you plan to attend the unveiling of the Washington Monument, please send me and Mike Sprague your head count. Make the Subject line "Head Count" My email is quigsthornecga@gmail.com Mike’s is spraguem53@gmailcom. Please submit your head count by September 1st. Thanks. Regards, Bob Thorne Bulletin #13 CGA CLASS OF 1969 50TH REUNION and CLASS REGISTRATION AND ORDER FORM DEAR CLASSMATES: Our 50th Reunion (3-6 Oct) is less than two months away! For those of you attending, the Class Registration/Order Form is attached to this Bulletin. Please return this important Form to me by Thursday, September 12, 2019, along with your check made out to Robert Thorne for the Total Amount Due. Another attachment is the Gull Associates Form in case you still need them. Those of you not attending the Reunion may want to look at the Gull Associates attachment regarding any "CGA" apparel including Class March-On ball caps. I have made some minor changes to our Class Schedule and will soon send it out separately. A final Class Schedule will be sent just before our Reunion. I recommend that you carry that Schedule with you. The Alumni Association Homecoming order form is also attached in case you have not yet purchased their various events, e.g. Class of 1969 Golf Outing, Football Tickets, Alumni Cocktail Party, Saturday Buffet Lunch in the O’Club (recommended as the O’Club is convenient to walking down the hill for our March-On). Tickets pickup on Friday is from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and on Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Alumni Office The three separate dinner costs on Thursday, Friday and Saturday include Cocktail Hours* with Hors D’oeuvres, Food & Beverage Service Charges, Sales Tax, and Fees for 2 bar tenders for the cash bars.
a. Thursday Southwestern Reception Station Dinner: Fajitas, Tacos, Tortillas with Marinated Sliced Chicken and Ground Beef and all the trimmings plus a beef carving station. Desert: Ice Cream Sundae Bar b. Friday Buffet Dinner: Garden Salad; Lobster Bisque/New England Clam Chowder; Roasted Sattler Chicken, Grilled Salmon and NY Strip Steak; Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Roasted Seasonal vegetables; Red Peppers, Cherry Tomatoes, and Red Onions.Deserts: Key Lyme Pie and Chocolate Layer Cake
c. Saturday plated dinner. Select one of four choices: Chicken Cordon Bleu; Pan Seared Scallops, Grilled Filet Mignon, and Vegetarian. Deserts: Carrot Cake or Chocolate Mousse Cup with Berries and Cream. (Dinner includes the cost incurred by the Gents for their last performance in our honor.) Cost per Person: $80 * Cocktail hour s will include Mixed Nuts, Artichoke Dip (Thur), International Cheese Display (Fri) Season Vegetables Crudités (Sat). If anyone needs a vegetarian plate on Thursday or Friday, please let me know.2. Busses : We have retained Busses from the Waterford School system to transport our Classmates and spouse/guests between the Academy and the Mystic Marriott Hotel at various times as shown in our Class’s Schedule of Events. We still need "bus volunteers" to manage the crowd. Please let me know if you will volunteer. I will also have a limited number of parking passes for anyone who will be driving themselves on to the Academy. Let me know if you need a pass. Keep in mind that there is limited parking space at the Academy!3. Social Hour Friday afternoon (cookies & brownies & ice tea/sodas) in the Alumni Building before the Cadet Review.4. March-On Hats : Classmates participating in the March-On before the football Game must purchase one Class ball cap for uniformity. (Another attachment is how to order apparel items, including extra Class hats, from Gull Associates.)We have a small conference room at the Mystic Marriott Hotel Thursday-Saturday. That room on Thursday will be manned by Classmates from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to greet you, hand out Gull Associates apparel, secure the Gents band equipment, etc. We need several volunteers to take two hour shifts. The Hotel Sales Dept has kindly offered us free refreshments in the conference room. The Class Reunion Team (Gravino, Gronlund, Bodenhofer, Pokress, Sprague, Robbins and Thorne) looks forward to seeing you and hope you have a wonderful and fulfilling weekend. Regards, Bob Thorne Tel: 860 691 0218 E-mail: Quigsthornecga@gmail.comAddress: 31 Legendary Road, East Lyme, CT 06333
Golden Tide Rips Info & Master Schedule Update Important! If you made a submission for the Golden Tide Rips and did NOT get a PDF proof by email to review, contact Wayne immediately! Cell: 860-917-6472 Email: tahoekid@mac.com Greetings! Mike Sprague and I are pleased to report that our 50th Reunion Golden Tide Rips (GTR) has been uploaded to the publisher! We expect to get a proof copy of the actual book in about a week. At that point we will make any last tweaks and authorize the full production run. We think the GTR will be a wonderful remembrance for our class. We had contributions from (or on behalf of) a total of 93 classmates! Thanx to the support of the Alumni Association and generous donations from several classmates, we are able to produce the book with a hardcover and premium paper! The cost per book will be $10 if you pick it up at the Reunion and $15 if we mail it to you afterwards. If you are attending the Reunion and would like to pick up a copy (or two) of our Golden Tide Rips, please send a check for $10 (or $20 for two) payable to Robert Thorne, 31 Legendary Rd, East Lyme, CT 06333 by 25 September 2019. If you are not attending the Reunion and would like a copy of our Golden Tide Rips mailed to you, please send a check for $15 payable to Robert Thorne, 31 Legendary Rd, East Lyme, CT 06333 by 30 October 2019. Please be sure to include the mailing address to which the book should be sent. Co-Editors Wayne Gronlund Mike Sprague Also, the latest Class Reunion Schedule is attached from Bob Thorne. There are a number of small info changes. He will send out a final Class Schedule just before the Reunion. He also recommends that you bring a copy of the schedule with you to the Reunion. Wayne Gronlund Cell: 860-917-6472 Email: tahoekid@mac.com Communications is the link between problems and solutions. USCGA CLASS OF 1969 50TH REUNION SCHEDULE 3 – 6 OCTOBER 2019 George Washington Monument Dedication Ceremony & Ritual F red Schmitt has asked that I send the attached summary explaining the October 4th dedication ceremony for the George Washington Monument. Please contact Fred if you have any questions.Bulletin #14 (Alumni Tickets, CGA Parking, etc.) and a Class List of Attendees The first attachment is Bulletin #14, and the second attachment is a list of Classmates and their spouses and guests who are participating in the Reunion. On Thursday afternoon of Homecoming, Paul Bodenhofer and Bob Thorne will be playing in the Class golf tournament. If you need to contact someone that afternoon for any reason and can't get Bob on his cell, call Wayne Gronlund. Bob Thorne's cell phone is (860) 334-6023. Wayne's home phone is (860) 739-6384; cell (860) 917-6472.